Posted: February 4, 2013
Tuesday's Winter Carnival Activities: tomorrow is Jersey Day, the Timberwolves will be visiting and students can skate at the Blackville rink from 7-9pm (weather permitting).
6F - Read 20 mins, library tomorrow
6M - Read 20 mins, Comprehension article on Best Ever Thick and Chew Chocolate Chunk Cookies, is due Wednesday. Remember to provide 10 questions/comments along the sides of the margins and answer questions in sentence form unless otherwise stated. Library tomorrow
* Reminder to bring in your "par.ents email address sheets"
7D - Read 20 mins
* Book orders are due February 8
* Anyone preordering books from Valerie Sherrard must have their money into me by Thursday Febrary 7 (please note the change in date).