Update for the week of May 24th-June 3rd

Posted: June 1, 2011

The countdown is on, however school is not yet finished...  REMINDER to all grade 7 students (7Hart and 7Demmings) to bring 10$ by next wednesday for our field trip on THURSDAY June 9th to Beaubear's after the math assessments.Check out the website: http://beaubearsisland.ca/ Grade 7 and 8 wrote their French Writing assessments the last week of May and I am really pleased with the results. They will be marked /30 and handed back to you by next week (hopefully). Please have them signed and if possible, read your story to the person that you wrote about! I'm sure they would love to here them. GREAT WORK! Grade 6-Working on their projects= monsters, strange phenomena, aliens etc.Grade 7-Auto-Biographies are finished and Biographie's on a friend should be almost done. Hockey card on a famous canadien are due Friday and the final project will be due in a few weeks. Weekend stories /10 will give you extra marks so hand them in.Grade 8- Finishing up the final projects on extreme sports tomorrow June 2nd. We will be working on the yearbook sheet as well as writing topics and weekend stories worth /10, please hand in your work.  Please make sure to get lot's of rest, drink plenty of water and eat a good breakfast in preperation for the Math exam which is June6-8th for grade 7 and 8. Good Luc