Posted: May 31, 2021
All New Brunswickers aged 12 and older are now eligible to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
People under 18 should be registered for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The vaccine is approved for use in people who have reached their 12th birthday and is the only vaccine currently approved for those under the age of 18.
You can register if: you are aged 16 or older, or you are the parent or guardian of a child between 12-15 years old.
Please be patient. Appointment availability may vary, with more appointments available next week or the week after.
Have more questions on the vaccine?
For more information on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, check out our fact sheet online.
Booking your appointment
Book your, or your child’s appointment at a participating pharmacy or a clinic hosted by Vitalité or Horizon health networks. If you are unable to book online, call 1-833-437-1424.
Booking checklist – do you have your:
ü The family calendar/agenda/day planner
ü Your child’s provincial Medicare card
ü Your child’s postal code
ü Your child’s date of birth
ü Your phone number and email address
On your appointment day:
ü Fill out the immunization consent formahead of time and bring it with you
o No printer? No problem! Ask your child’s school to print one out and they can send a copy home for you.
o If English or French are not your first language, a translated copy of the formis available for reference purposes. However, your completed form will need to be filled out in either English or French.
ü Have your Medicare card or other piece of identification
ü Unless the family is getting vaccinated together, we ask that only one adult accompanies the child
ü Get vaccinated and help protect yourself and others from COVID-19!
Frequently Asked Questions – Schools and 12 + vaccination clinics
What is changing?
Eligibility to book an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine is opening to people aged 12-to-17-years old in New Brunswick. This means that all New Brunswickers over the age of 12 are now eligible.
A person aged 16 or older, or the parent or guardian of a person aged 12-to-15, can register. Children 16 and under require the consent of parents.
How can families register?
Families can register through a participating pharmacy (use Find A Pharmacy) or make an appointment online through Vitalité or Horizon health networks. If families are unable to book online, they can call 1-833-437-1424.
Where will vaccination happen for this group?
Vaccination will take place at appointments at local pharmacies or at clinics being held by the Vitalité and Horizon health networks.
Will vaccinations take place in schools?
No, given limits on transportation of vaccines, including the need for refrigeration, it was determined that pharmacies and larger-scale clinics were more effective options than school clinics.
What role is school playing?
We encourage students to go out the week of May 31 to June 4 and get vaccinated. If parents need any assistance in finding information or printing out forms, we’re happy to help.
Do I have to wait until the week of May 31?
No, if your local pharmacy or clinic has availability sooner, you are welcome to book at an alternative date. We are merely encouraging families to book the week of May 31-June 4.
Will my child be marked absent if I need to take them out of class to vaccinated?
Student absences will be noted as excused for record keeping purposes, but the absence not be counted negatively against the student for academic purposes.