Mr. Cabel - Archived - 09/2013

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Due Oct. 19th
File newbrunswickwater.docx15.01 KB

Posted: October 14, 2012

 122s worked really hard to complete these Food Webs

Posted: October 12, 2012

  with examples of PSA's
Binary Data oct_11th.notebook338.1 KB

Posted: October 11, 2012

  On Friday we will have a pop quiz on mitosis.  Students will be able to use any notes   they have from the two brief film clips we watched yesterday in class.
  Due dates are included in the assignment
File psa_assignment_123.docx12.81 KB
  You will find the dates of the deliverables included in the assignment
File psa_assignment_122.docx12.49 KB

Posted: October 11, 2012

Steps to creating a good poster

Following a few simple tips you can create an effective poster for any topic
Food Webs are starting to come in.  Students had a great time creating these projects!

Posted: October 10, 2012

Environmental Science - Bonus article.

 Read the attached article and respond in your journal.  This is an optional response for those who  have finished their food web/species projects.       Questions 122 - Write a one page response to how you feel this topic will affect your future both here in Canada and abroad. 123 - Compare and contrast the pros and cons of this article.  Does this article make you feel differently towards climate change?

Posted: October 9, 2012

Climate Crisis - An inconvenient truth

Al Gore presents an eye-opening view of the future of our planet


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Nov 15 2012


Added: Thu, Oct 25 2012


Environmental Science 123 Species Project Example
Environmental Science 122/3 Food Web and Species Project
Environmental Science 122/3 Journal - Sept. 21st
Science 9 Journal - Sept. 21st