March 21-April 4

Posted: April 2, 2014

A few friendly reminders... - It is still cold and wet outside- please remember to dress for the weather conditions :) - Please send back report card enveloppes as soon as possible or to parent-teacher *** Parent-Teacher interviews are now being held on April 3rd from 4:30-7pm. ***   Grade 8- This week we will be finishing up our unit on extreme sports with a debate. Both teams (of 3 students each) present a brief intrtoduction explaining the sport. They will then each present 6 arguments for or against their sport being extreme. Students will then debate the points given. Then, both team will conclude with final remarks on why their sport is extreme or not. - Please have your comic strip rubrics signed and returned for tomorrow.   8Steeves- Please be ready to present your final projects on FRIDAY, April 4th. 8O'Keefe- Please be ready to present your final projects on MONDAY, April 7th.   Grade 7- This week we will be finishing our final projects: a poster created with the intentions of selling their inventions from their last mini project.     Grade 6- This week we will be finishing our final projects: a poster created with the intention of informing others what their robot can do for them. -Please sign and return your rubric from your robot tomorrow.