Homework, April 3rd- 6th

Posted: March 29, 2018

Due Date: 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Les devoirs (homework) March 26th- April 6th

**If you wish to buy books from the Scholastic book order please have money in by next Friday (April 13th)

Notice: Upcoming Hat day Fundraisers ( Friday April 6th, Thursday April 12th) $1.00 each

Continue homework from last week:

·         Finish the 3 sheets of the alphabet/numbers to 20

·         Math: 2 addition/subtraction sheets

·         Comptines: Read lyrics to “Francine Fourmi”

o   Gesture: make a closed fist (opening and closing your fist)

o   Song: Francine Fourmi

·         Reading: Students will have one book to read several times throughout the week (same book as last week).

·         Continue listening to French songs (new ones under "weblinks")


To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide: 



·         Que manges-tu au déjeuner? (What do you eat for breakfast?)

o   J’aime manger…du fromage, du yogourt au déjeuner. (For breakfast, I like to eat .. cheese, yogurt. Etc.)


·         Que manges-tu au diner? (What do you eat for lunch?)

o   Je mange… un sandwich, une pomme, du lait.. au diner. (For dinner, I like to eat… a sandwich, an apple, milk. Etc)


·         Que manges-tu au souper? (What do you eat for supper?)

o   Je mange… du poulet, du riz, des carottes… au souper.(For supper, I like to eat… chicken, rice, carrots… etc.)


·         Counting to 100 forwards & backwards

·         Counting by 5’s and 10’s to 100

·         Mental math: addition to up 18

·         Addition/subtraction

·         Reviewing: one more, two more, one less, two less than a given number, numbers in written form (0-20)