Posted: April 6, 2020
This is going to be a little bit different. I think the best way to do the Grade 9 material is going to be journal based. Daily, I will continue to post options for you folks to stay active, but at your age, you are all a little bit more aware of the physical activity that gets you going! You know what you like, and what you are able to do. So what I'm asking is for you to keep a daily physical activity journal. You can do it a couple of different ways. You can keep and electronic copy (word document) where you simple write a quick paragraph detailing the physical activity you completed that day. You should detail what you did, and how you felt before and after you completed your activity. (later I will post a 2 week journal outline). Another option is to create a new instagram page specifically for your activity journaling. You can make daily posts recapping your daily activities!
Again, I will post daily options, but the main thing is for you to get active everyday! Whether is a walk, a run, an at home workout, a daily yoga video, whatever you can do with regularily, DO IT!!
Today's options can be the above posted workout video (the guy is great!), or a 30 minute walk with your family!
I have attached a 2 week daily activity log to get you started as well.